Shaking like a Leaf (IV): Headin’ Down South

This blog post is part of a series about my road trip around South/East Australia in an electric vehicle. Read other posts using the same tag.

Day 7: Swan Reach via Mildura

I dropped my keys off and checked out at 6:30am to find my car covered in a light frost (!) and double checked the charge on my car (98% – good…) before setting off to continue my westward journey which should get me just across the border into South Australia before the end of the day.

Continue reading Shaking like a Leaf (IV): Headin’ Down South

Twenty Twenty-five

Reviewing my goal last year of getting back into blogging – it didn’t turn out that way mainly because of two reasons: work; and the WordPress debacle.

I had taken the first half of 2024 off from everything and was overseas for a fair bit without my computer, but I got back into the workforce in the latter half which chewed up a fair bit of time initially. Then the WordPress dispute kicked off around September. I won’t go into much about the dispute here, but since this blog runs on WordPress, I paused blogging while looking for an alternative but by the end of the year didn’t end up finding something as well run and integrated as WordPress.

As a result, I’ll stick with WordPress for now; I don’t expect it to disappear as such, but the legal mess isn’t exactly confidence inspiriring for the long term. I might still end up migrating the blog at some point – we’ll see how it goes.

This year’s resolution? I haven’t thought of one properly to be honest. Maybe “more in-person connections”? This does make me sound like I’ve always been some complete anti-social (I promise I’m just shy!) – but during my travels through the road trip and trips overseas last year, I had actually ended up stopping and talking to a larger number and more diverse set of people than I have in a long time.

It made me reflect on what my post-uni days have been like and while I’ve made a point of keeping in touch with ex-colleagues – of which I’ve been in a lot of catch-ups with in 2024 – my outside-of-work group has remained mainly static. I don’t expect to necessarily build more close friendships; going back to my trips last year – what I liked were the interactions themselves and sitting down to hear other people’s stories. Maybe it’s just me reflecting on the lack of “worldly” experiences in my 20s.

The EV road trip series will resume shortly – the next post is mostly drafted at this point. I do hope to be in regular blogging mode for 2025 and beyond!